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EXCAVATOR XE900C spare parts (4)-News-Xuzhou Unique Construction Machinery Co.,Ltd
  • EXCAVATOR XE900C spare parts (4)

801 XE900C 803077257 UK36-420 main valve

802 XE900C 316502166 XE850.12.2.11A Boom steel pipe Assembly I (dark gray)

803 XE900C 316502169 XE850.12.2.34 Boom Steel pipe Assembly III (dark gray)

804 XE900C 803381859 F791TC6A6N202020-950-H150-K90° Hose assembly

805 XE900C 803384897 F791TC6N6N202020-1740-H130-PG hose assembly

806 XE900C 803384896 F791TC6N6N202020-1780-H130-PG hose assembly

807 XE900C 803166160 F481CACA101005-650 Hose assembly

808 XE900C 803380710 F481CACF121206-860 Hose assembly

809 XE900C 316502607 XE850.12.2.35-1 Shunt block I

810 XE900C 803390421 F791TC6F6N202020-1640-H180-V270° Hose assembly

811 XE900C 803390428 F791TC6F6A202020-1290 Hose assembly

812 XE900C 316502608 XE850.12.2.36-1 Splitter Block II

813 XE900C 316501951 XE850.17.4A flange

814 XE900C 803303458 GB/ T34452.1-2005 O-ring 236 x 5.3-S

815 XE900C 803309610 YWZ-200 oil level gauge

816 XE900C 803303459 GB/ T34452.1-2005 O-ring 136×5.3-S

817 XE900C, 1300C 803192747 GE35LRED0MDA3C connector

818 XE900C 803071229 RFM BN/HC1300SET10W0 /-S0441 Return oil filter

819 XE900C 803303457 GB/ T34452.1-2005 O-ring 195×5.3-S

820 XE900C 316501936 XE850.17-1A flange cover

821 XE900C, 370CA 803373596 PAG2X air filter cartridge

822 XE900C 860126339 PTCV40DLV oil seal

823 XE900C 805139904 GB/T70.1-2008 Screw M20×80 10.9(Dacryol)

824 XE900C 805139896 GB/T70.1-2008 Screw M16×50 10.9(Dacryol)

825 XE900C 803306021 F481CACF121206-1580 Hose assembly

826 XE900C 805139854 GB/T70.1-2000 Screw M8×80 (Dallol)

827 XE900C 803306020 F481CACA121206-3750 Hose assembly

828 XE900C 803161962 MAVE12LRCF(J) connector

829 XE900C 803111314 EGE12LREDCF(J) connector

830 XE900C 316502414 XE850.10.1C Main line bundle 1

831 XE900C 316502178 XE850.10.8A Arm light harness

832 XE900C 803682041 HXR800-10/10 battery cable

833 XE900C 803682040 HXGR6600A-10/12 battery cable

834 XE900C 803742643 DQAZB-470 electrical mounting board

835 XE900C 316502492 XE850.10.2 Main Line bundle 2

836 XE900C 803545684 IMCT1837/XE900C Main controller

837 XE900C 803545685 WDJXGYCDV7-10 (TCP6900-070HC/XE900C) electronic monitor

838 XE900C 316501579 XE850.19.5 Diesel radiator support (dark gray)

839 XE900C 316500737 XE850.01.2.1 Right longitudinal beam (Structure)

840 XE900C 316500674 XE850.01.1.1 Left longitudinal beam (Structure)

841 XE900C 805041950 GB/T5782-2000 Bolt M42×160 10.9 (Dacromet)

842 XE900C 316501783 XE850.01.4A Foot (dark grey)

843 XE900C 316501933 XE850.01.1.8 Upper Foot (dark grey)

844 XE900C 800348149 XW260-850Y guide wheel

845 XE900C 316501679 XE850.01.5A Left tube cover (dark gray)

846 XE900C 316501680 XE850.01.4A Right Tube cover (dark gray)

847 XE900C 800345421 LH1834/47/650 Track assembly

848 XE900C 800349183 LH1834A/47/900C track assembly

849 XE900C 800346549 VA1600/650 Track plate

850 XE900C 803387307 F791TC6A6N162020-3300-H150-PG hose assembly

851 XE900C 803387306 F791TC6A6N162020-2920-H150-PG hose assembly

852 XE900C 803387390 F481CACF121206-38800-PG Hose assembly

853 XE900C 805046654 GB/T5782-2000 Bolt M12×140 10.9(Dallol)

854 XE900C 860201795 2_2-2 Check valve

855 XE900C 316502004 XE850.02-3A Adjustment pad

856 XE900C 316502005 XE850.02-4A adjustment pad

857 XE900C 316502002 XE850.02-1A Adjustment pad

858 XE900C 316502003 XE850.02-2A adjustment pad

859 XE900C 805046588 GB/T5783-2000 Bolt M20×40 10.9 (Dacromet)

860 XE900C 316501722 XE850.02-20 block (dark gray)

861 XE900C 316502006 XE850.02-8A Adjustment pad

862 XE900C 316502007 XE850.02-9A Adjustment pad

863 XE900C 316502010 XE850.02.14B Left rocker

864 XE900C 316501709 XE850.02.8A Axis (dark grey)

865 XE900C 316501714 XE850.02.10A Axis (dark grey)

866 XE900C 316501723 XE850.02-21 Stop (Dark gray)

867 XE900C 316501721 XE850.02-19 flange (dark grey)

868 XE900C 316503565 XE850.02-19A flange

869 XE900C 316501706 XE850.02.7A Axis (dark grey)

870 XE900C 316501740 XE850.02.1A Bucket (dark grey)

871 XE900C 316501717 XE850.02.11A Axis (dark grey)

872 XE900C 805238379 GB/T6170-2000 Nut M33 10(Dacromet)

873 XE900C 805338414 GB/T97.1-2002 Gasket 33 300HV(Dacromet)

874 XE900C 805046694 GB/T5782-2000 Bolt M33×110 10.9(Dacryol)

875 XE900C 819948188 U60P sleeve assembly

876 XE900C 819948173 U60C sleeve assembly

877 XE900C 819948174 3858B-U60 tooth base

878 XE900C 819953698 5898B-U60 tooth base

879 XE900C 819910676 3858A-V61 tooth base

880 XE900C 819951569 V61 HPN sells well

881 XE900C 805046396 GB/T70.1-2000 Screw M14 x 50 10.9 (Dallol)

882 XE900C 860202334 XG85-DB (L) Right boom Tubing Assembly B(01384.0072Y.700(L)A)

883 XE900C 805006392 GB/T5782-2000 Bolt M16×110 10.9 (Dacromet)

884 XE900C, 1300C 329900284 WT030.20003 Bucket rod safety mark

885 XE900C 316502172 XE850 Connecting rod Assembly (Spare parts)

886 XE900C 803392779 F791TC6A6N242020-1550-H150-PG hose assembly

887 XE900C 805046492 GB/T5785-2000 Bolt M24×2×120 10.9 (Dacryol)

888 XE900C 803387391 F481CACF282212-37700-PG hose assembly

889 XE900C 803072608 F220/248/V160FBV/MB Travelling motor and reducer

890 XE900C 803543527 WFGVT06A Walking alarm

891 XE900C 20120693 803200394 VPBM-3 distributor import

892 XE900C 801138804 KFGS3-5+924 6L electric grease pump

893 XE900C 801139439 RG11.3-9000-4 Hose

894 XE900C 801139324 RG08T08-3400-001 Hose assembly

895 XE900C 316502883 XE850.20II-9 Hard pipe

896 XE900C 801139299 EX161-210-014 safety valve (? 8)

897 XE900C 801139302 179-990-600 5M signal connection cable

898 XE900C 801139298 EXKFG1.U1 pump unit

899 XE900C 316502879 XE850.20Ⅱ-5 Hard tube

900 XE900C 803386232 AS568 O-ring 47.22×3.53-S A90

901 XE900C 316501631 XE850.12.1.6A Steel tube assembly (dark gray)

902 XE900C 316501761 XE850.12.1.7A Steel tube assembly (dark gray)

903 XE900C 316501762 XE850.12.1.8A Steel tube assembly (dark gray)

904 XE900C 316501760 XE850.12.1.4A Steel tube assembly (dark gray)

905 XE900C 316501758 XE850.12.1.2A Steel tube assembly (dark gray)

906 XE900C 316501629 XE850.12.1.1A Steel tube assembly (dark gray)

907XE900C 316501630XE850.12.1.5A Steel tube assembly (dark grey)

908 XE900C 316501759 XE850.12.1.3A Steel tube assembly (dark gray)

909 XE900C 800154205 4820.151.0000 Water powder

910 XE900C 318803913 XE850. Welded Component I (dark gray)

911 XE900C 860134803 1384.0094Y.500 Tubing Assembly B

912 XE900C 860134802 1384.0094Y.400 Tubing Assembly A

913 XE900C 860134804 1384.0094Y.600 Clamp assembly

914 XE900C 860128650 1384.0032Y.400 Tubing Assembly A

915 XE900C 860134815 1384.0086Y.100 clamp assembly diameter 166

916 XE900C 860134853 1384.0093Y.500(R) Right boom Tubing Assembly B

917 XE900C 860134834 1384.0093Y.400(L) Left boom Tubing Assembly A

918 XE900C 860134835 1384.0093Y.500(L) Left boom Tubing Assembly B

919 XE900C 860134836 1384.0093Y.600 Clamp Assembly

920 XE900C 803407695 1384.0052Y.900B Clamp assembly

921 XE900C 803407776 1384.0069Y.700B Clamp component A

922 XE900C 803407777 1384.0069Y.900A Clamp component B

923 XE900C 860134811 Q/HL 102121.2-2010 Shaft sleeve Φ80×Φ95×91

924 XE900C 860134849 Q/HL 102121.1-2010 axle sleeve with 90× 105×101 diameter

925 XE900C 860203527 01384.0052Y.600 Oil block assembly

926 XE900C 803407695 01384.0052Y.900B Clamp assembly

927 XE900C 860202821 01384.0061Y.600C Clamp assembly

928 XE900C 860202822 01384.0063Y.400B Clamp assembly

929 XE900C 800355456 4820.112.6000V auxiliary water tank

930 XE900C 316502790 XE850.13IV.1-1 sponge

931 XE900C 316502968 XE850. Baffle plate

932 XE900C 316502972 XE850. Baffle plate

933 XE900C 316501546 XE850.12.1.8 Bucket steel tube assembly

934 XE900C 316502657 XE850.20Ⅱ centralized lubrication

935 XE900C 316501322 XE850.12.1-4 Pipe clamp (yellow)

936 XE900C 316503669 XE850.12.1.2L steel tube assembly

937 XE900C 316503473 XE850.12.1 ⅱ. 1 Steel pipe assembly

938 XE900C 316502889 XE850.13.1.3A Intake pipe

939 XE900C 316502768 XE850.11IV.1.1.7 Connecting the Support (yellow)

940 XE900C 316502766 XE850.11IV. Partition Board (yellow)

941 XE900C 316502779 XE850.11IV.1.4 Muffler Cover (yellow)

942 XE900C 316502765 XE850.11IV.1.1.6-2 sponge

943 XE900C 316502903 XE850.11IV.1.1.6-1A sponge

944 XE900C 800153505 XE850D13ⅣD04G01 Intake Pipe Ⅰ

945 XE900C 800153504 XE850D13ⅣD01G01 Intake Pipe Ⅰ

946 XE900C 800153506 XE850D13ⅣD04G02 Intake Pipe II

947 XE900C 316503409 XE850.13IV.1.1A intercooling pipe

948 XE900C 316503412 XE850.13IV.4.1A Intake pipe

949 XE900C 316503474 XE850.12.1ⅱ. 2 Steel pipe assembly

950 XE900C 316503009 XE850.02-22 Pressure plate (yellow)

951 XE900C 316503771 XE850.11 VI.1.1.1 Hood Middle support (yellow)

952 XE900C 316503774 XE850.11Ⅵ 1.1.2 Lower Support (yellow)

953 XE900C 316503778 XE850.11Ⅵ 1.1.3 Upper beam of the left door (yellow)

954 XE900C 316503787 XE850.11Ⅵ 1.1.4 Front Sealing Plate (yellow)

955 XE900C 316503791 XE850.11Ⅵ.1.1-1 Sealing plate (yellow)

956 XE900C 316503792 XE850.11Ⅵ.1.2 Cover Plate (yellow)

957 XE900C 316503795 XE850.11Ⅵ.1.3 Cover Plate (yellow)

958 XE900C 316503797 XE850.11Ⅵ.1-1 Board (yellow)

959 XE900C 316503798 XE850.18.1-27 Mounting seat

960 XE900C 316503799 XE850.18.1-28 Mounting seat

961 XE900C 316503808 XE850.13Ⅵ.01.02 Hoop (dark gray)

962 XE900C 800154097 XE850D13IVD01G01GY Hose

963 XE900C 803009800 SG20E-132 rotary motor (XE850

964 XE900C 803009801 SG20E-133 Rotary Motor (XE850)

965 XE900C 803678379 5502 toggle switch

966 XE900C 803741490 82468 protective cover

967 XE900C 101024497 803191333 F481CACF121206-4800 hose assembly

968 XE900C 803199392 F481CACF222212-1300-PG Hose assembly

969 XE900C 803303412 NLX-1500X10-000 Oil filter (spare parts)

970 XE900C 803303413 YLXA-117A return oil filter assembly

971 XE900C 803303414 YLXA-71C Oil filter element (spare parts)

972 XE900C 316501420 XE850. By-pass Steel Pipe Assembly II (Light gray)

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